Pocket Sun - “Rip Tide”

Photo by dantebelt

From Bristol, United Kingdom, Pocket Sun have just released the nostalgic and sophisticated dream pop track, “Rip Tide.”

Rip Tide” is a velvety, texturally layered track rich in dreamy and mysterious atmospherics. It encapsulated the glossy vibe of a late 1970s-1980s pop production, blending electronic with traditional indie rock elements. The track is pushed forward by a tight, laid back, groovy and subtly complex bass and drum rhythm section reminiscent of later Fleetwood Mac.

Clothing the track are smooth, shimmering synth and electric piano tones that create an enveloping, ambient sense of ethereal space. Adding to the sense of drift and swirl are delicate flourishes of electric guitar. These layers are thoughtfully arranged with intriguing, subtly bizarre undercurrents in the tones that are simply mesmerising.

Breathy, otherworldly, the intimate vocals are stunningly elegant and reflective. With warm, gentle harmonies the performance makes the track striking and immersive. Lyrically, the band describe the track’s meaning as “a journey of becoming self-aware - the haziness of youth wears off as life’s hardships begin to imprint and the world warps into a new lens.”

Carefully and beautifully arranged, “Rip Tide” is a luscious taste of Pocket Sun’s new album, Mirror in Blue Light, now available everywhere.

Connect with Pocket Sun: Website | Spotify | Instagram | Soundcloud | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook

-John Michie


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