Wolftrap - “Girl Tripping”

From Los Angeles, Wolftrap returns to us with psychedelically-tinged indie-folk song, “Girl Tripping.”

Girl Tripping” begins with some studio foley– evidence that it was authentically recorded by honest, hardworking, music-loving humans. It is not long before the sweet notes of a guitar set the song into motion, soon joined by a vintage-imbued rhythm section, complete with a cowbell that adds a mesmerizing, forward propulsion.

And while we remain fully enchanted by the late-1960s sound of the arrangement, “Girl Tripping” completely wins us over in the vocal department. Vocalists Miguel Samuel and Bailey Mae Gardener have been blessed with voices that reflect the warm glow of yesteryear; combined, they whip up some glorious harmonies that will, most assuredly, keep you coming back for more.

Ear candy comes by way of a vibey guitar solo that, again, only emphasizes the classic flavor of this chilled-out and moody throwback of a tune. The entire performance exudes a classic, analogue magic that only magnetic tape can achieve. “Girl Tripping” is a sonic window that allows the listener to peer directly into the recording studio and catch Wolftrap doing what Wolftrap does best.

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