Opheliah - “Don’t Stop Falling Apart”

Photo courtesy of Opheliah

Leeds-based indie band Opheliah return to the blog with the vintage vibes of the folksy “Don’t Stop Falling Apart.”

Straight out of the gate, prepare to be swept away by the dreamy sounds of melodic slide guitar across the top of a thick and creamy rhythm section. “Don’t Stop Falling Apart” comes with enough analogue flavor to sustain all hungry listeners, then offer up a heaping second portion.

In addition to carefully placed chords from an acoustic guitar, a mellotron churns out some ambient atmosphere, providing a prolific backdrop for the heartfelt vocal performance. In addition to this flavorful delivery, delightful layers of auxiliary vocals find their place in the arrangement, adding a satisfying width to the production.

As the song enters its final third, layers of elements are peeled away to reveal a stripped-back breakdown, consisting of an intimate acoustic and vocal that will have you returning to “Don’t Stop Falling Apart,” again and again. And if that were not enough, the rest of the band returns to their posts on the conclusion, with a final dose of that heavenly slide guitar.

Connect with Opheliah: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | Bandcamp



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