Olivia Reid - “Love Don’t Leave”

Photo provided by Olivia Reid

New York City-based singer-songwriter Olivia Reid has returned to us with the remarkably heartfelt sounds of “Love Don’t Leave.”

The song is built upon a resounding and gradual crescendo, initially beginning with an acoustic guitar wonderfully displayed atop some ethereal artifacts. The vibe is reflective, contemplative, and nostalgic, and we are immediately drawn into the intimacy of its overall production.

Reid delivers an astoundingly melodic vocal, almost as though she is performing the song right in front of you, with absolutely no evidence of modern manipulation– the only thing between her words and your ears is a microphone, which is one of our prerequisites when it comes to filling our folksy niche.

As “Love Don’t Leave” continues, the arrangement is joined by some additional guitar chords and barebones, makeshift percussive elements. But what will keep us coming back for multiple listens are the multiple layers of vocals that interweave themselves amidst the sonic landscape. When it comes to folk tunes, nothing wins us over faster than perfectly placed auxiliary vocals.

We’ve ended up featuring every tune that Reid’s camp has sent over to us and we look forward to more arriving in our inbox, which we will happily share on our site. Until then, wrap your ears around “Love Don’t Leave” and be prepared to be swept away on a dreamy journey through “the little elements of connection that feel so simple yet make love feel deep and pure.”

Connect with Olivia Reid: Website | Instagram | TikTok | Twitter



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