Mo Kenney - “From Nowhere”

Photo by Matt Horseman

Nova Scotia-based singer-songwriter Mo Kenney has just released the dazzling indie folk track, “From Nowhere.” The song captures an unsettling yet dream-like feeling, as Kenney depicts their childhood growing up in the middle of nowhere.

From Nowhere” is a beautifully atmospheric, mellow track that, from start to finish, is filled with tranquil, meditative vibes that invite refection. Built on the ambient padding of vintage organ that glows with a gentle softness, this layer is given a sense of texture with the addition of acoustic guitar. Delicate, calming yet intricate, the fingerpicked pattern feels almost hypnotic as it fleshes out a fuller, immersive sound. Anchoring the laid-back atmosphere is the restrained rhythmic pulse of the drums and warm, smooth, understated bass that creates a solid harmonic foundation.

Over the top the vocals beautifully float rising and falling elegantly to an almost nursery rhyming cadence. Soft, breathy and layered in atmospheric backing layers, some of the performance feels as if it would sit comfortably on Linda Perhacs‘ exquisite album Parallelograms. Melancholic yet comforting, the sublime track wonderfully balances sadness with hope and warmth. The track is taken from Mo Kenney’s fifth studio album, From Nowhere, which is out today. Make sure to press play on this arresting treat.

Connect with Mo Kenney: Instagram | YouTube | Spotify | X | Facebook | Website | Apple | Bandcamp

-John Michie


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