Mnevis - “Sparks (Zig Zag)”

Switzerland-based indie band Mnevis have just released the experimental pop track, “Sparks (Zig Zag).” This is a delightfully quirky song, filled with vivid, retro-futuristic tones, combining the quirky pop sensibilities of Jarvis Cocker with the experimental grooves found in obscure acts like the Acid Casuals or Worldcub.

Sparks (Zig Zag)“ is founded around a catchy bass line that pulses in a simple rhythmic pattern. This creates an interesting vibe throughout the track, while providing a pleasing sense of drive and groove– it is also one hell of a memorable hook. The drums and percussion primarily support this pulse, fleshing out the groove with texture and swaggering syncopation.

The song is layered like an eclectic kaleidoscope filled with beautiful colours. Staccato organ jabs intensely, while analog synths hazily melt or spiritedly dance. Unusual– almost retro– space-age noises, rattling strings, and what I believe is buried wind chimes are sprinkled throughout. This is all before we get to the pleasing flourishes of strings that give a rich, reflective, elegance and the bursts of electric guitar in the more traditional indie rock choruses.

The vocal is charmingly light throughout the track with an expressive, subtly soulful delivery. The cadence and phrasing sit delightfully within the weaving layers of music, enhancing the playfulness of the music, but never pushing into the flamboyant.

Sparks (Zig Zag)” is the second taster of the band’s forthcoming album, slated for release later in the year. In the meantime, you can connect with Mnevis here: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Bandcamp

-John Michie


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