Mila Degray - “Two Bridges”

Photo by Lucas O.M.

Florida-based indie artist Mila Degray returns to the blog with “Two Bridges,” an ‘80s-tinged journey through the realm of dream pop.

Two Bridges” has been carefully constructed on a driving, electronic rhythm that is guaranteed to get your heart pumping. Above the rhythm, layers of synth twist and pulsate while a gritty bass line imbues the production with a hefty dose of indie rock flavor. This is the kind of song that pairs nicely with your commute, no matter where you might be headed.

Of course, where “Two Bridges” completely wins us over lies within Degray’s vocal performance. Soft and delicate, she has been blessed with a voice that sounds deliciously modern, yet raw, honest, and authentic. The lyrics traverse the harrowing topic of false friends, but, to be quite honest, Degray could sing about anything and still completely enchant her listener.

As “Two Bridges” progresses, additional layers of vocals line the soundscape, soaked in a thick sheen of reverb and pulling us along a mesmerizing and nostalgic path to complete and total sonic satisfaction. The track comes from Degray’s forthcoming LP, Silver Meteor 98, due for release on October 18.

Connect with Mila Degray: Spotify | TikTok | Instagram | Official Website



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