District Five - “Reflections”

Photo courtesy of District Five

Zurich-based four-piece band District Five have just released immersive modern psych track, “Reflections.”

Reflections” flows with the same vibe as Tame Impala’s InnerSpeaker if it was crossed with Radiohead’s In Rainbows. Psychedelic, dreamy and atmospheric, the song strikes a pleasing balance between introspection and euphoria. Powered by the hypnotic, heavy rhythm of the groove-laden drums, the track is awash with punchy, fluid beats grounding the composition in a rock driven energy.

Clothing the rhythm are synths and electric guitars that are used like an intricate kaleidoscope of texture. These layers shift from crystalline, jangly, shimmering tones to warm, fuzzed out, chaotic flairs. Synths are used elegantly to create tension but also as bursts of cosmic dreamlike waves. Immersive and richly textured the music is an audible delight.

The vocal performance is warm but subdued throughout the composition which imbues a feeling of intimate, haunting vulnerability across the lyrics. “Reflections” is the sound of a band that are enjoying themselves in the studio. Stimulating, abstract but also enjoyably accessible. The track is the first single from District Five’s forthcoming album Come Closer.

Connect with District Five: Spotify | Facebook | Instagram


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