Mila Degray - “Masculine Charm”

Photo by Lucas O.M.

From Broward County, Florida, indie artist Mila Degray has arrived on our blog with “Masculine Charm,” a song from her forthcoming LP, Silver Meteor 98.

Masculine Charm” was originally captured in the voice memos of Degray’s cell phone, and a great deal of that intimate, lo-fi character remains intact within the finished product. Pressing the play button is initially like peering into the artist’s sonic diary, immediately drawing in the listener via acoustic guitar and a soft vocal.

As the song progresses, additional layers emerge, building the sound up to a more commercial level of production, complete with hard-hitting drums and fuzzed-out guitar textures. The energy of this elevation provides a dramatic and dynamic sense of ebb and flow to “Masculine Charm,” allowing it to hit multiple genres, from indie folk to alternative rock.

The second half is where the song truly finds its bearings, leaving behind its former hazy, folk-infused sound and, instead, leaning into a modern variety of pop-rock that is warmly reminiscent of Soccer Mommy or Pom Pom Squad. In essence, “Masculine Charm” is like receiving two songs for the price of one (which is still free), and we recommend getting it into your ears asap.

Connect with Mila Degray: Spotify | TikTok | Instagram | Official Website



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