Johnny Murrell - “308 Bowery”

Photo by Shadow

From the USA, singer-songwriter Johnny Murrell has just released the soulful, heartfelt ballad, “308 Bowery.” With strong hints of blues and soul, this tune can only be described as a classic pop track walking the same path as the iconic hits of acts, such as Elton John, bringing to mind “I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues.”

At the track’s heart is the laid-back and nostalgic tones of piano that support with warm, harmonically rich playing. The playing is wonderfully restrained, allowing the vocal performance and the emotional weight of the lyrics to take centre stage. Bass and drums tenderly enhance the reflective composition providing a steady, mid-tempo groove whilst electric guitar, organ, and soaring trumpets add a full, lush, atmospheric quality.

Johnny Murrell delivers a timeless vocal performance for the love song. With expressive and bluesy inflections, the vocal is powerful and filled with warmth. “308 Bowery” is a track that soars effortlessly, carrying the palpable ache of sentimentality in every note. The track is taken from Johnny Murrell’s forthcoming debut album, Nevertheless, Heartbreak.

Connect with Johnny Murrell: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

-John Michie


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