Marie Naffah - “Mother of Pearl”

Photo by Studio Boz

London-based singer-songwriter Marie Naffah has just released the wonderfully stripped-back and chill “Mother of Pearl,” the title track from her new LP.

The song begins with a full arrangement, consisting of a brushed, barebones beat and some deep notes from a bass. Across the top, the vibrant strums of an acoustic guitar fill in the gaps left within the folksy production, culminating in an authentic vibe that, quite frankly, makes us happy to be alive. This is one of those tunes that has been crafted by honest, hardworking musicians, with nary a digital artifact in the mix.

But where “Mother of Pearl” truly wins us over is with Naffah’s vocal performance. She has been blessed with a voice that superbly suits this style of music, with a delivery that is warmly reminiscent of Sharon Van Etten and Adrianne Lenker, particularly in her upper register. However, there is also enough distinct character in her raw presence to let listeners know that they are, indeed, listening to a Marie Naffah song.

As the song progresses, careful listeners shall discover some additional elements in the sonic landscape, such as the distant, ethereal notes of an electric guitar. But “Mother of Pearl” never strays from its initial intention, which is a moving and inspiring love letter to Naffah’s mother. The raw and intimate nature of the track perfectly accentuates this and we simply cannot wait for you to hear it.

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