LORNA - “Underachiever“

Photo by Darby Condon

From the East Coast of North South Wales, singer-songwriter Erin Condon, aka LORNA, has just delivered the soaring indie rock ballad, “Underachiever.”

Underachiever” gets listeners started with an acoustic foundation that supports a gritty electric guitar, then provides the ears with a delicious fill from a vintage-imbued drum kit. This sets the euphonious joyride in motion, sweetly pulsating with a classic, retro vibe that we simply cannot get enough of.

Deep in the track’s underbelly, the tones of an organ warble and churn, carving the perfect path for Condon’s vocal performance. And once her voice breaks the surface of the arrangement, we are confident that you will find yourself completely enchanted with her raw, emotionally-charged  delivery.

Condon wrote “Underachiever“ at the end of a relationship: “I did the inevitable Tinder download and began vetting my next date. This series of events summed up the months following this breakup; completely distraught and looking for any light at the end of the tunnel, even if that light took the form of a complete stranger…”

Underachiever” is bound to resonate with those who have ever stared into the darkness of who they thought they would be vs who they ended up becoming. It’s the perfect soundtrack for those essential moments of introspection, or when you need an extra push to let go of your past. Either way, we highly recommend getting it into your ears.

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