Luna Keller - “Lighter Than Before”

If you have been following the musical journey of Spanish/ German singer-songwriter Luna Keller, you’ll already know that she’s been sifting through the darkness of existence with each new release. And while the perils of mental health happen to be our niche, we are delighted to inform you that she’s revealed a beacon of hope with her latest single: “Lighter Than Before.”

Above the soft swell of strings, an acoustic guitar emerges, finger-plucked and vibrantly upbeat, radiating a hopeful sound across the sonic landscape. It is immediately clear that “Lighter Than Before” has allowed Keller to rise above her inner turbulence for a moment of clarity and perspective.

Keller’s breathy and eloquent vocal performance reflects this same level of positivity, with lyrics that allow the warmth of the sun to shine upon her listeners, allowing them to witness a moment of peace for the artist. The arrangement is joined by the soft pulse of a subdued kick drum, reinforcing the sense of joy established from its onset.

Layers of vocal harmonies descend upon the soundscape, making it impossible for your soul not to crack a smile– to cheer for this protagonist that we’ve all come to know over the course of this musical journey. Each new song from Keller’s forthcoming LP presents itself as another chapter of a mellifluent novel that allows listeners to put a soundtrack to the ebb and flow of living.

Keller’s new record has been a crusade across the seas of emotional turmoil; however, “Lighter Than Before” shines bright enough to pull both the artist and her listeners into calmer waters. If you have not already done so, we highly recommend climbing aboard Ocean Inside Of Me and bracing yourselves for one hell of an emotional trek.

Connect with Luna Keller: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook | X | Bandcamp

More from Luna Keller: “OvergrownThe Philosopher” “Invisible Wars” “Swallow The Sea” “Not Ready” “Shoulder” “She’s Not Good For Me



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