Coolhand Jax - “Everything Changes All of the Time”

Photo by jamesbaby96

Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Jake Weissman, aka Coolhand Jax, has just released the nostalgia-infused sounds of “Everything Changes All of the Time.”

This tune is a smooth cruise through a vintage-imbued sonic landscape, beginning with a full-band arrangement. The sound consists of a thick and creamy rhythm section that bears an upbeat consistency and a charmingly mesmerizing melodic ear-worm provided by some keys. All of this churns around an acoustically-driven foundation and we’ve found it to be quite soothing on the soul.

Above the bouncing bass line, Weissman’s vocal performance is a breath of fresh air, just as authentically presented as the rest of the production. Without leaning into the digital temptation of modern times, his voice enters the ears of the listener in an honest fashion, which makes it very easy for us to believe every word that he delivers. Between lines of lyrics, elegant flourishes from a lead guitar offer satisfying moments of ear candy.

From its delightfully utilized layers of vocals, to its soaring and mellow guitar solo, “Everything Changes All of the Time” is a psychedelically-tinged folksy romp through the demise of a relationship. And while the lyrics ride the edge of melancholy, the overall vibe is one that is rather uplifting, resulting in the bitter-sweet escape that only the finest music can provide.

Everything Changes All of the Time” was recorded and produced with Weissman’s drummer, Mike Deluccia, and will be supported by a two-week tour that traverses the Northeast and Midwestern United States.

Connect with Coolhand Jax: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook | X | Bandcamp



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