HanyMust - “Human Behaviour”

Photo by Omar Bairram

HanyMust from Egypt ponders the absurdity of human nature with his reflective indie folk track, “Human Behaviour.” 

Human Behaviour is founded on the soothing, intimate tones of two acoustic guitars that reflectively weave across the composition at a breezy, unhurried pace. The interplay and intricacy of the richly toned patterns create a slow rocking sensation that makes the track beautifully meditative.

Enveloping these tones are atmospheric layers of synths and dreamy electric guitar that give the song a pleasing modern vibe. Reflective ascending, descending, and weaving lines melt and warble into the arrangement, providing a comforting sense of depth and space.

Anchoring the rhythm and enhancing the atmosphere of the track is the steady, unfussy push of drums and a warm, deep bass. Together, these elements create a mood that sits somewhere between Iron & Wine and Zero 7.

The intimate and melancholic-tinged vocal of HanyMust has a striking, meditative vibe. With a clear delivery of the lyrics and support by rich vocal harmonies, the performance is nothing short of immersive.

Human Behaviour” has a pleasing timeless feel and is rich with soulful introspection. This is one ethereal journey you won’t want to miss.

Connect with HanyMust: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | Soundcloud

-John Michie


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