Kojak - “Seasons”

Photo by Chloe Tremblay

Canada-based Kojak have just released the vintage-toned indie rock anthem, “Seasons,” a high energy, infectious, classic rock tune that feels as though it was lifted straight out of the 1970s– comparable to the black vinyl, white powder laden days of Status Quo.

The track is driven forward by the crunchy, overdriven, exuberant textures of electric guitar that burst with upbeat, celebratory vibes. There is rarely a moment where the guitars are not adding melodic interest, peaking gorgeously during the guitar solos where the double tracked or dueling sound is strikingly reminiscent of Mick Ronson when he wielded the axe for Bowie.

Locking the groove down tight is a punchy yet gloriously straightforward and steady rock drum beat. Underneath, the warm, rounded pulse of the bass adds a pleasing depth to the groove. It’s just pure meat and two veg rock ‘n’ roll, which the world never has enough of. 

Vocally, Kojak deliver the goods in full force. Enthusiastic, spirited, warm, raspy… the whole performance is designed to entice you to sing along in unison. Much like the music, it is a straightforward performance, done with confidence, rhythm, and energy– there’s a sense of awesome camaraderie and joy between the band members that feels beautifully authentic.

Guitarist and vocalist Drexel Purtelle adds: “Winters can feel long and drawn out in small-town Ontario, so with the changing of the seasons we felt naturally driven to create some tunes that reflected our rejoice in the inevitable tilt of the earth’s axis, we feel like we hit our mark with ‘Seasons,’ which for us suitably plays like a celebratory, summertime anthem.”

If you want a rock anthem that is energetic, catchy and brimmed full of strong harmonies then press play on “Seasons” and enjoy the ride.

Connect with Kojak: TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify

Ontario tour dates:

28 June | Prince Eddy’s, Prince Edward County

27 July | Three Dog Winery, Prince Edward County

9 August | Rivoli, Toronto

24 August | Rock The County Festival (Base 31), Prince Edward County

-John Michie


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