An interview with Lonely Choir…

Photo by Rod Baldwin

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Colorado-based Lonely Choir and her marvelously emotional and gritty voice– as well as her dry and sarcastic wit– we highly encourage that you follow her on Instagram to get a frequent dose of both. We first became enchanted by her sound upon hearing “Alexa,” and have been waiting for new music since last January’s sports EP. We are delighted to inform you that the wait is over upon the release of “Get Goin’,” a raw and authentic slice of Rocky Mountain folk music, complete with a prolific, full-band arrangement, as well as Lonely Choir’s distinct upper register and vibrato, as evidenced in the song’s hook. We decided that we would track her down and talk about the possibility of more music, the chances of a tour, and the contents of her go-bag.

UpToHear: First of all, thank you for releasing some new music and we appreciate that you’ve managed to keep all of us satiated on Instagram with a cornucopia of acoustic video snippets. We’re hoping that the release of “Get Goin’” might imply another EP (or possible LP) on the way?

Lonely Choir: Thank you very much! We have been playing so many shows, it’s been hard to slow down to record. I’m finally putting shows on hold and have been recording an EP!

UpToHear: The live material that you post is often so stripped-back and intimate, but your studio recordings are layered and robust. Do you hear these finished versions as you write? Or do you add the elements toward the end of the process? 

Lonely Choir: I try to get the most out of studio time & call in the pals that I wish could play with me at all of our shows! I have a sense of what layers I’d like to add, I give a general direction (make weird noises and hope they understand what I’m asking for) to the band and they come up with their parts after I’ve written the song.

UpToHear: Your vocal is refreshing and distinct– we can hear a Lonely Choir tune and it is instantly recognizable, especially with the vibrato in your falsetto. Do you have any inspiration that led you to this style?

Lonely Choir: Thanks for saying that! I used to listen to a lot of Destiny’s Child growing up, and would copy Michelle’s raspy voice & eventually found my own. I’m guessing hints of Michelle still live on in my voice.

UpToHear: Do you feel that living in the Rocky Mountains has had an impact on the style of music that you produce? 

Lonely Choir: I think there are, and have been, a lot of awesome folk songwriters in the Rocky Mountains that have inspired me to be intentional about the lyrics that I write/ lean into my own sound.   

UpToHear: Most of your lyrics come across as though you’ve taken multiple grad seminars, particularly in creative writing, with the way that you utilize enjambment, line breaks, and, of course, symbolism. Does this come naturally or from years and years of academia?

Lonely Choir: Oh wow, that is super kind! Thank you so much. I have not taken any courses on writing.

UpToHear: You play quite a number of live shows, but will you be touring at all in 2024?

Lonely Choir: I’ve got a pretty busy life working full time, so no time for a tour unfortunately. We will be playing some Colorado shows though!

UpToHear: A giant asteroid is headed for Earth. You can grab three things on your way to shelter, but only one can be a musical instrument. Please list your three items.

Lonely Choir: Expired coupons… football… toothbrush…

UpToHear: Wait, so you would not want a musical instrument at the end of the world?

Lonely Choir: Ok… let’s switch out the toothbrush for a guitar.

UpToHear: And there you have it, folks– an artist willing to sacrifice her own dental hygiene in order to provide us with some entertainment in our last moments on Earth. Please take comfort in the idea that, while there is no asteroid on the horizon, the rest of the EP should enter our atmosphere soon. Until then, enjoy the sweet sounds of “Get Goin’.”



Tom Webber - “This Time”


Nathan Storey - “Progress”