Cat Ridgeway - “Sprinter”
Orlando-based singer-songwriter Cat Ridgeway has just released the title track from her forthcoming new album: “Sprinter.”
“Sprinter” is a kaleidoscopic slice of indie rock, filled with raw power and unflinchingly honest lyrics. Despite its bittersweet subject matter, the composition simmers anthemically. Pulsing majestically and relentlessly to the beat of the commanding drums, super slick bass and staccato swells of keys saturate the arrangement. Contrasts are woven throughout, from moments of intimate acoustic guitar to gnarly moments lead– “Sprinter” is both intimate and massive.
Cat Ridgeway serves up a superb vocal performance that shifts from tender reflection to full throated cries with incredible ease. The performance convincingly carries all the triumphs and heartaches present in the reflective lyrics.
On the track, Cat Ridgeway mentions that people are often blindsided when a loved one loses the battle with depression: “The best metaphor I could think of, and what I kept coming back to in the lyric, was how there’s never a convenient time to deal with a check engine light on your car. People just ignore it, keep driving, and hope it turns off… but you can’t do that with a car, and you can’t do that with your life…”