Alexia Thomas - “Lost In Space”

Photo by Sarina Boehler

Alexia Thomas from Basel, Switzerland, has just released the striking new dream pop single, “Lost In Space.”

Lost In Space” is a canvas of atmospheric and wistful sounds that shimmer, flow and melt immersively. The warm layers of nostalgic guitar are simply irresistible, whether the smooth, dreamlike, crying tones of electric guitar or the glittering tender, texture of the acoustic.

Helping to cushion the track are ethereal reverbed swells that evoke feelings of calm introspection. Pushing the song forward is a driving, yet simple beat that feels like a slow Hal Blaine groove, whilst a thick, rounded bass brings a stylish weight to the composition.

As Thomas’ vocal performance begins, the ethereal textures are briefly peeled away to bring a pleasing focus to the song’s narrative. With a soothing, warm, yet slightly heavy-hearted delivery, the vocal feels like a dreamy gift to our ears.

This is our first time hearing from Alexia Thomas and we can only describe this track and her sound as remarkably enchanting. “Lost In Space” is taken from the forthcoming album, Based on a Dream, slated for release later this year. 

Connect with Alexia Thomas: Bandcamp | Spotify | YouTube | Instagram

-John Michie


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