Wolfschmidt - “Crisis”

From Gothenburg in Sweden, Wolfschmidt have just released the lush indie rock track, “Crisis.”

Crisis” has a great, laid-back, mid-tempo 1990s vibe that builds to electrifying intensity at the crescendo. The track’s emotional journey is shaped by the indie-rock drums that give a steady, yet expressive performance. Full of rhythmic complexity and, in places, raw aggressive power, this layer feels gloriously authentic.

Raw and gritty electric guitar thickens up the track with biting, edgy chords and distorted melodic lines that permeate an alt-rock, grungy vibe whilst the bass reflectively supports underneath. These layers wonderfully come to a head at the track’s end, where Wolfschmidt propel us into a dizzying soundscape of tempo rubati.

The cool vocals have a delightfully soft, intimate, and, in places, haunting quality. The understated performance wonderfully conveys a feeling of melancholy and reflection in the tone. Backing vocal layers are added over the chorus, injecting a burst of emotional intensity.

About the “Crisis,” Wolfschmidt adds: “The song is about failing to stay true to oneself in a society where truth and authenticity are overshadowed by fear and greed — a human crisis, if you will. It explores how we all, due to our desperate need for belonging, gradually fall in line with disavowed values, only to one day wake up and realize how much of ourselves we have sacrificed.”

Wolfschmidt are a brilliant reminder of how sweet angst can be. “Crisis” is the lead single from their upcoming debut EP, which drops on September 6th.

Connect with Wolfschmidt: Facebook | TikTok | Instagram | Spotify | Apple Music | Soundcloud

-John Michie


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