Constant Follower - “The Smile You Send…”

Photo by Kevin Linnet

Constant Follower, from Stirling, Scotland, returns to the blog with the immersive indie folk track, “The Smile You Send Out Returns To You.”

Every now and then, you come across a composition that unfolds like a thought that you suddenly realise you are thinking. Exploring the meaningful moments in life, it doesn’t command your attention but instead holds it, lingering tenderly. “The Smile You Send Out Returns To You” is one of those delicate compositions, unravelling as if it is being whispered to you through the calm of a new morning.

Meditatively and evocatively, the song opens to gentle, warm, rounded tones of fingerpicked acoustic guitar and glowing, graceful shimmers of electric guitar. Reverb soaked, soothing, the tones feel like they are rippling out into eternity. The reflective soundscaping is as effortless as the music produced by Bon Iver of even the ambient end of Talk Talk.

What makes “The Smile You Send Out Returns To You” truly special are the incredibly moving, breathy, ethereal harmonies that throughout have the feeling that they are reaching skyward. The vocals weave and intertwine gracefully as they deliver the reflective, poetic lyrics with a breezy unhurried cadence.

The Smile You Send Out Returns To You” is the title track of Constant Follower’s new album, which is also out today. Exploring the themes of “addiction and recovery, parenthood and the impact of kindness,” the album is another spectacular, enchanting release from this Scottish act. Copies of the album can be picked up here including a Limited Edition 12” vinyl and CDs.

Connect with Constant Follower: Spotify | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram | Bandcamp | Facebook

-John Michie


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