The Hudson Branch - “Blind Precision”

Chicago-based The Hudson Branch make their debut on the blog with the reflective indie folk track, “Blind Precision.”

Blind Precision” is the sound of a band that feel as if they are at their very best. They do not sound like an act that has only just hit the studio after a 10-year hiatus. Rich in slow burning melancholy that rises almost to the edges of euphoria, it is a track rich with effortless, warm charm.

The track drifts as if on a gentle breeze thanks to the beautiful chiming guitars that guide us towards the steady drum beat and warm bass. As the song garners more layers from swells of hushed organ, acoustic guitar and vintage toned piano you cannot help but feel immersed in the wistful nature of the music.

As the lyrics unfold, describing emotional turmoil, reflection and letting go, the tender vocals are simply sublime. Rich in effortless expression and surrounded by well executed harmonies, the delivery strikes the perfect balance between the unvarnished and more commercially toned indie folk. In short, the performance is delightfully authentic.

Blind Precision” is a soulful, soothing and evocative track that will leave you wanting more. This track is not to be missed. Connect with The Hudson Branch: Spotify | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook


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