The Artist Ren - “Runway”

From Los Angeles, California, The Artist Ren has just released “Runway,” the first single from her forthcoming EP.

A gentle, yet lively beat from the drum kit gets things started, imbuing “Runway” with a bit of energy before the acoustic guitar arrives. Soaring above the chords, some otherworldly, digital artifacts pad the sonic landscape. The result is a song that shall pique the interest of music fans from multiple genres, from indie rock to folky pop.

The vocal performance is what closed the deal for us, as The Artist Ren provides a delicate vibe that is warmly reminiscent of Phoebe Bridgers and Lizzy McAlpine, which just so happens to be our wheelhouse. To ensure that everyone returns to “Runway” for multiple listens, the vocals have been blazoned with moments of tender harmonies and doubles, one of our favorite aspects in music of the folk variety.

As the track progresses, some weight is added to the production via the thick, round notes of a bass, with an old-timey, reverberating lead guitar contributing some tasty licks to the growing arrangement. All of these elements have been meticulously placed, but the upper register of the vocal on the hook is what will ultimately result in you adding “Runway” to all of your favorite playlists.

Connect with The Artist Ren: Spotify | Instagram | TikTok | Bandcamp



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