No New Lovers - “Talk About It”

Photo provided by No New Lovers

From Los Angeles, USA, No New Lovers have just released the retro-tinged indie pop rock track, “Talk About It.”

Talk About It” is a track that grabs the listener’s attention and holds it hypnotically with its musical layers. Tension builds right from the initial staccato piano groove that pulses with a sharp, raw sense of attack. Complementing this is the forward drive of the tight, compressed drums. Snappy and punchy, we are bombarded with an intense sense of urgency.

No New Lovers use the bass, distorted electric guitar, and fluid synth layers to offer a sense of balance. Melodic and slightly psychedelic in a Tame Impala fashion, these textures glaze the song with a cool, spaced out atmosphere– this is all before we get to the slick transitions and ear candy that are littered throughout.

What makes “Talk About It” a really special and memorable song is the emotional depth brought by the soulful vocal. Coupled with the lush backing vocals, the performance has a pleasing sense of heart and character, breezily soaring over the punchy instrumentation.

Lyrically, the song is about those moments when you feel something so strongly, but find it impossible to express. The artist adds: “We wanted to capture that feeling of urgency, the push and pull, the fear of losing someone because you haven’t yet said what you need to say.”

Talk About It” is an irresistible slice of indie pop rock that will get your head bopping from the first hit of the drums. This one is not to be missed.

Connect with No New Lovers: Spotify | Instagram

-John Michie


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