Social Creatures - “Fly the Loop”

Photo by Olga Elliot

There’s been a cornucopia of great music permeating from Brooklyn as of late and what we have here is more evidence of that: meet psychedelic indie rockers Social Creatures and their brand new, vibrantly energetic tune, “Fly the Loop.”

These guys do not waste anyone’s time with this one, immediately busting into a full-band production at the onset, which happens to include one of the sexiest bass lines we’ve heard all year. Synths resonate throughout the top of the arrangement, with an upbeat tempo that will easily prevent you from sitting in one place for too long– if breaking free from a sedentary lifestyle was one of your New Year’s resolutions, you’ve pressed play on the right jam.

Of course, anyone who reads our blog will know that we do not often delve into the realm of energetic tunes, but “Fly the Loop” happens to contain just enough Talking Heads sauce in the vocal performance that we would have to be complete fools to shy away from it. And by the time the vocal gets its hooks in you, you’re already addicted to the ebullience of the shimmering guitar work that sugar coats this boogie-inducing funhouse.

In addition to the sound, the subject matter of “Fly the Loop” is also bound to resonate with most listeners, with the band adding: “Lyrically, the song deals with themes of breaking the cycle, not repeating the mistakes of those who came before us, our addictions, the "loop" that we can have a hard time escaping in life.” Put it all together and you have one hell of track to get your weekend started.

Connect with Social Creatures: Instagram / Spotify / Facebook



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