Michael Bernard Fitzgerald - “Horizon Lines”

Photo by JSLVR

From Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Michael Bernard Fitzgerald has just released the vibrant and vivid indie folk track, “Horizon Lines.”

Horizon Lines” is a beautifully intimate and reflective track, yet it uses a wide sonic palette to illustrate the emotions in the composition. The track has a spacious and open feel, despite the deep textural layering of organic and electronic elements.

The sounds flow over the percussive heartbeat and surround the warm, mellow acoustic guitar tenderly. The track blooms and evolves vividly, creating an immersive ebb and flow. The production is faultless, sounding like a restrained, later Bon Iver, never pushing too heavily into the manipulated and glitchy.

Michael Bernard Fitzgerald complements the mood of the track with a warm, understated vocal delivery. Expressive, almost conversational, the performance acts as a pleasing anchor that guides the listener through the shifting layers.

On the meaning behind the track Michael Bernard Fitzgerald adds: “I felt like the days were slipping by, marked by these beautiful lines of colour at sunrise and sunset… There is beauty in the moment, things to be thankful for, and the current chapters will continue to evolve. Eventually there is calm and rest and it will all be part of the story.”

The song is the title track from Michael Bernard Fitzgerald’s sixth studio album, which releases on the 27th of September.

Connect with Michael Bernard Fitzgerald: Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Spotify | Apple music

-John Michie


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