Make Friends - “Groans”

From Bristol, UK, Make Friends have just released the vibrant indie pop-rock track, “Groans.” 

This song opens to a serene and reflective atmosphere, thanks to the intimate vocal melody that takes center stage. Reminiscent of Paul McCartney’s song “Waterfalls” from his 1980 album, McCartney II, “Groans” evokes the same feelings of contemplation.

The track soon grows in dynamic strength, evolving into a driving, vibrant indie pop-rock banger. Pushing the composition forward is a relentless rhythm that permeates an energetic, uplifting vibe. Layers beautifully dance around this beat, from pulsing trumpets to riffing guitars and rich, vibrant swirls of synths. The mood is both trippy and chilled out, feeling like a cross between the guitar-driven end of New Order, Death In Vegas and The Polyphonic Spree.

The vocals are strikingly warm and energetically rousing once the beat kicks in. Supported by enjoyable backing vocals that are rich in harmonies and call-and-response lines, these layers weave and waltz in the same fashion as the other musical elements. The overall atmosphere is incredibly dynamic and upbeat.

Groans” by Make Friends plays with mind-melting grooves in the most delightful of ways. The song is a curious but highly enjoyable mix of driving beats and good, old-fashioned guitar work.

Connect with Make Friends: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram | Facebook | X | TikTok | YouTube

-John Michie


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