Luna Keller - “Woman In My Mirror”

Photo by Frank Timmers

Once again, Spanish/ German singer-songwriter Luna Keller has enchanted us with her stripped-back and emotionally-charged craft via the final single of her new LP, “Woman In My Mirror.”

Pressing play invites the exquisitely vibrant sounds of an acoustic guitar into your ears. The sparseness of the arrangement provides a level of intimacy that nails the sweet spot of the indie folk genre– and the arrival of Keller’s vocal completely drives this home. For those of you who have clung to each new chapter of this album, you’ll know that our girl has been through hell and back and we really needed “Woman In My Mirror” to let us know that she is okay.

Keller has spent the last nine songs building an emotional bond with her listeners, and while “Woman In My Mirror” was obviously written to herself, the lyrics read as a voiceover that reveals an epiphany to the audience. As a folk song, it checks off all the appropriate boxes, with additional layers of ambience arriving to add sonic width to the production; however, as the final chapter to a story, it contains such a profound weight that you immediately go back to the beginning for another ride.

Keller knew that “Woman In My Mirror” would be the album’s closer as soon as she wrote it, fostering a positive relationship within herself as a coping mechanism. She offers: “We cannot control the ocean, but we can choose how to navigate it, look after our boat and bring together a great crew. We can make the storm manageable and even if we do go over board, teach ourselves how to swim, how to let our crew know that we need them to throw a rope.”

If you have been keeping up with each of Keller’s releases, you have, no doubt, been rooting for her as the main character in an epic battle against the perils of mental health. With “Woman In My Mirror,” the songwriting takes a hopeful turn, allowing the listener to, perhaps, find a beacon of light in their own struggle within the darkness.

The new LP, Ocean Inside Of Me, is now available everywhere, and we encourage you to give it a spin in its entirety, as well as connect with Luna Keller online: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook | X | Bandcamp

More from Luna Keller: “OvergrownThe Philosopher” “Invisible Wars” “Swallow The Sea” “Not Ready” “Shoulder” “She’s Not Good For Me” “Lighter Than Before



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