Juju - “Swings and Roundabouts”

Photo by Laura Pennafort

London-based alt-rock singer-songwriter Juju has just released the energetic and punchy indie rock track, “Swings and Roundabouts.”

Swings and Roundabouts” is a punkish, new wave textural delight, filled with sharp, jagged-edged guitar tones that aggressively flare up with distorted and gritty edges. Pinning these textures down is a straightforward yet tight and powerful drum beat, supported by a pulsating bass that beautifully enhances the track’s sense of attitude and swagger.

The song has a tight and succinct vibe reminiscent of acts like Elastica, but Juju leans more heavily into dramatic dynamic changes, which adds a shrinking impact to the catchy, pop-tinged choruses. Juju also delivers a cool, detached, and nonchalant vocal in the verses that makes this track truly awesome. The tone shifts effortlessly from deadpan indifference to melodic, soaring harmonies in the choruses. Memorable and impactful, the whole performance captures the spirit of what a good record should sound like.

Lyrically, the track was written about the chaos that life sometimes throws at us, and our efforts to try and keep it together. Juju adds: “When I wrote this track, I was going through a difficult time due to circumstances in my personal life, but I kept trying to remind myself that it’s not always going to be this hard or feel this bad, you just have to brace yourself and go through it to come out the other side. The phrase “it’s all swings and roundabouts” came to mind, and although it could be seen as more disparaging than inspiring in the depths of mental distress, its sentiment and slightly tongue-in-cheek humour inspired me to write a song around it…”

Intoxicating, rocking and melodic, “Swings and Roundabouts” is your next favourite track.

Connect with Juju: Spotify | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook

-John Michie


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