Justin Sconza - “If I Could Do It…”
Justin Sconza from Chicago, USA has just released the brilliant new album, Standards, so we decided to take a look at the exquisitely melancholic indie rock track “If I Could Do It All Over Again.”
“If I Could Do It All Over Again” is a magical track that reminds me of the intimacy of Elliott Smith and the wistful, musical optimism that we sometimes glimpsed from John Lennon during the mid 1970s. Built on an unhurried, shuffling drum groove, warm electric guitars ripple out breezily on top. The whole track feels effortlessly nostalgic as the piano punctuates the melodies and in the final moments a harmonica solo cries reflectively across the composition. The track is pure good old-fashioned songwriting that feels deceptively simple but is in reality incredibly powerful.
The whispering, Elliott Smith tinged vocal of Justin Sconza soothingly enhances the tracks groove as it delivers the lyrics. Lyrically though I would say the song feels more like a lost Nick Drake track touching on the bittersweetness of life in much the same manner.
On the track Justin Sconza adds: “If I Could Do It All Over Again is about wishfully thinking you could have done something better, but resigning yourself to the fact that who you were in that moment is exactly who you’ll always have been in that moment - and you’d do it just the same way every time. But there’s an element of hope that emerges just by acknowledging past mistakes, so maybe the future is brighter.”
“If I Could Do It All Over Again” is an introspective, emotionally honest track that feels intoxicatingly classic in its construction. Connect with Justin Sconza: Spotify | SoundCloud | YouTube | Bandcamp | Instagram