Green Gardens - “Year Of Love”

Photo provided by artist

From Leeds, UK, Green Gardens have just released the introspective indie rock track, “Year Of Love.”

Year Of Love” is a unique, poetic, restless composition that elegantly deals with feelings of yearning, fragility and wistfulness. It is a song that thrives on restraint with beautiful, sounds slow burning like embers in a fire. Opening to shifting, textural sound scaping that is reminiscent of later Talk Talk, the track soon finds its footing with a steady, sleepy beat. Electric guitars animate the composition with mellow intertwining arpeggios. Even at the height of the crescendo the layers remain delicate, never making grand statements, just setting a mood that is sublimely meditative much in the way waves break across a shoreline.

Complementing the immersive, haunting atmospheric are the hushed, breathy vocals. Intimate, inviting, the weathered performance builds a detached sense of tension until it is lifted by tender, soul stirring, blissed out harmonies at the tracks climax. Like a half-remembered dream, “Year Of Love” is a deeply evocative and achingly beautiful track.

Connect with Green Gardens: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram | Facebook


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