GLOSSER - “Angel Dust”

Photo by Chris Deflitch

Washington, D.C.-based indie pop band GLOSSER have just released the title track from their forthcoming EP: “Angel Dust.”

This song lands a bit outside of our blog’s usual brand of indie, but “Angel Dust” is so infectious that we truly could not resist writing a few paragraphs about it. The intimate nature of the track’s beginning pulls the listener directly into the soundscape, with soft keys indicating the top of each bar. A gentle rhythm soon emerges, providing a sturdy backbone upon which the arrangement can build.

While all of this is happening, the vocal performance fills your ears like a magnificent dream– at times breathy, other times melancholic, the lyrics roll straight into anyone lucky enough to hear. Additional layers of vocals wash in and out of the production, easing “Angel Dust” closer to our ethereal niche. It is ultimately the vocal delivery that has completely won us over with this one.

The hook is built upon a more modern arrangement, with pulsating bass synth and melodic keys that are bound to resonate with music lovers who prefer to be on the dance floor. “Angel Dust” wonderfully ebbs and flows, adding and removing elements to provide both momentum and dynamic variation. And as we head into the final throws of the refrain, there is a profoundly intimate break that has brought us back for multiple spins.

About the track, Riley Fanning from GLOSSER adds: “‘Angel Dust' is a self-referential dance pop song about having maybe too much fun. It’s a tailspin, both the party itself and the emptiness that comes from that. Writing this song seems to have further solidified a constant theme in our music - using pop constructs to convey darker, more raw feelings. To me the song is like a night out when the bars are closing, but you want to keep partying to avoid an empty apartment, to avoid the morning light.”

Connect with GLOSSER: Bandcamp | Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok | Twitter



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