Erisy Watt - “Anywhere With You”

Photo by Wyndham Garnett

Nashville-raised, LA-based singer-songwriter Erisy Watt arrives on the blog with her latest single, “Anywhere With You.”

This song slyly fades in with some warbling feedback before giving way to a stripped-back, acoustically-driven arrangement. But please do not let its folksy nature fool you– the rhythm packs a deep punch as it tethers itself to the warm, round notes of the bass, with the left channel host to what appears to be a Leslie speaker on the electric guitar.

And if you fancy a good, nostalgic dose of Joni Mitchell-esque folk music, you have come to the right place. Watt beholds a magnificent gift in the vocal department, nailing our niche for a raw and intimate performance. This is more than apparent in the harmonies that carve a sweet-sounding path through the chorus sections, with wondrous auxiliary textures to boot.

Additional veneers of guitars emerge and then disperse over the song’s duration, providing a satisfying sense of ebb and flow, but what has kept us coming back is the overall classic, analogue production that “Anywhere With You” delivers directly to our ears– when we say that we are fans of modern folk music, this is precisely the sound that we have in mind.

Anywhere With You” was produced by Luke Temple and mastered by Heba Kadry. The song is the first single from the forthcoming LP, not either or but everything, which is due for release on October 4th. And while you wait, feel free to connect with Erisy Watt online:  Website | Instagram | Facebook | Spotify | Bandcamp



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