Dylan Rockwell - “Pollyanna”

Washington, DC-based singer-songwriter Dylan Rockwell has once again completely captured our undivided attention with his introspective and folksy craft via the new single, “Pollyanna.”

The track begins with some open chords from an acoustic guitar, just as raw and intimately-charged as the majority of Rockwell’s recent stack of singles. “Pollyanna” comes complete with the ethereal accompaniment of ambient lead guitar, as singular notes stretch to the far ends of the sonic landscape, providing a good dose of ear candy for each lucky listener.

As the song progresses, the arrangement extends to include the analogue flavor of a vintage-hued rhythm section, with bass and drums joining forces to furnish the tune with a gentle pulse. In the distance, the otherworldly cries of pedal steel raise the song through the ceiling, successfully bringing us back to “Pollyanna“ for multiple listens.

And, of course, it is Rockwell’s wonderful, multi-layered vocal performance that, just like his other tunes, earns “Pollyanna” a permanent place on our blog. Admittedly, we’ve been fans of his voice ever since we first heard his band Moozy, but there is something truly and magically authentic coursing through his delivery that we simply cannot resist.

About the track, Rockwell adds: “This song isn’t about someone named “Pollyanna,” but rather the word “pollyanna” meaning an unflinchingly optimistic person. That’s never been me but I’ve known many pollyannas and I wrote this song about them. The lyrics explore the dichotomy between my reality and theirs.”

Connect with Dylan Rockwell: Instagram | Spotify | Bandcamp



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