A Band Called Ma - “MOUNTAINTOP”

MOUNTAINTOP,” by USA-based A Band Called Ma, is a captivating trip through dreamy and alluring soundscapes. The song is built around gorgeous acoustic guitar, which instantly creates a meditative and reflective atmosphere. A gentle, flute-like sound subtly pads underneath as the dynamics grow.

As the thoughtful acoustic melody develops, electric guitar brings weight and a hint of melancholy to the arrangement. Saxophone adds to the song’s richness with a textured and evocative layer. A spoken word sample that is accompanied by the saxophone appears at the midway point. This section brings to mind Pink Floyd, even though the shades of A Band Called Ma are more shoegaze / dream pop in feel.

The dynamics of “MOUNTAINTOP” grow in a very satisfying manner, especially over the main sections, before dying back to the calming groove of the acoustic guitar layers. The vocals give the song a breathy, peaceful feel, while the backing vocals gorgeously harmonize, adding a great deal of width and depth to the song. The finale is lushly soaked in reverb as saxophone and guitar melodically solo before breaking into a dreamlike Brian Eno-esque ambient conclusion.

MOUNTAINTOP” is a gorgeous listen and will please all fans of shoegaze and dream pop. It will make you want to dive into the back catalogue of A Band Called Ma. The song is masterfully composed and is definitely not one to miss.


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