Um, Jennifer? - “Jazz Machine”

Photo by Avery Davis

Um, Jennifer?, the punk-tinged indie rock duo based in New York City, have just released “Jazz Machine.”

This is a track that has the lush feeling of spontaneity and imperfection. It is something that Um, Jennifer? confidently exaggerate. They are comfortable wearing a raw, unpolished authenticity that is integral to that punkish, DIY aesthetic. It is what makes their music so immediate and charming, but they do it slickly and with an incredible amount of control.

Jazz Machine“ is a fizzed-out rocker designed to get a crowd going at any gig. Most of the composition is pure rhythmic drive. Contrasting the punkish, raw edge of the rhythm guitar are sweet, jangly riffs that melodically and reflectively weave, adding a great, vintage complexity. Drums propel forward with a sense of urgency as the pulsing bass gives a thick depth to the groove.

Um, Jennifer? only briefly deviate into a more intimate and reflective vibe just before the crescendo. This pleasing contrast is endearing, slightly tongue-in-cheek, and also a section you know is going to win over every member of an audience during a gig. It beautifully underlines their skills as songwriters.

Vocally, Jazz Machine“ can only be described as melodically quirky, but super infectious. The song is described by Um, Jennifer? as “a jangly love letter to an alien,”which seems quite fitting.

Jazz Machine“ is taken form the debut EP, The Girl Class, via Final Girl Records, which is out today. Chock-full of charming, energetic, punk-tinged indie rock, the EP is a listening experience that you truly cannot afford to miss:

Connect with Um, Jennifer?: Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Spotify

-John Michie


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