Supernova Easy, self-titled

Photo by Angelika Annen

Supernova Easy from Switzerland have just released the self-titled, laid-back, dream-pop track, “Supernova Easy.”

Supernova Easy” is a charmingly atmospheric and richly layered song that feels effortlessly immersive and cinematic, yet there is also a pleasing sense of minimalist architecture to it. Built on warm, expansive layers of analog synths that envelop, float, and gracefully shift across the composition, it instantly transports you into a dreamy, hypnotic ambiance reminiscent of the work of the Acid Casuals, Zero 7, and/ or Air.

Subtle touches of reverb-heavy guitar provide support with minimalist, well-placed notes and shimmers of texture, pleasingly bridging the synthetic and natural elements of the composition. The drums and bass similarly play a supportive role, focusing on maintaining a laid-back groove, rather than overcomplicating the track.

The gentle male and female vocals of the track are stylishly restrained and understated, yet there remains a haunting and expansive dreaminess to the delivery as the two voices harmoniously intertwine. Lyrically, the track feels like an ethereal, psychedelic stream of consciousness, evoking images of searching, transitions, and our wider cosmic connection as a species.

With its sensitive but tenacious grasp of melody, “Supernova Easy” is a sonic gift that keeps on giving. Supernova Easy will be setting off on tour from November 8th and releasing their debut album in Spring 2025.

Connect with Supernova Easy: Spotify | YouTube | Bandcamp | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok

-John Michie


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