Alle The Dreamer - “Run Home To You”

Photo by Mara Somerset Lee

Sometimes, all it take is a fantastic vocal to send us venturing beyond our wheelhouse. For instance, when we heard the dynamic and anthemic pop single “Run Home To You,” from Toronto-based songstress Alessia Iorio, aka Alle The Dreamer, we knew that we had to feature it on our blog.

Run Home To You” begins with a bit of churning synth that becomes the foundation for layers of angelic backing vocals. At just a few seconds in, it has a distinct and dreamy ‘80s vibe, which has been catching our interest more and more as of late. And once Iorio’s confident vocal delivery commences, listeners will be immediately enchanted and gather around to hear her tale of love and loss and longing.

Although “Run Home To You” is void of a beat for its first half, there is something quite magical happening with the vocals. And when the hook arrives and you’re being served these heartfelt words from Iorio’s upper register, the absence of drums brings a certain level of intimacy and vulnerability that would otherwise be more difficult to achieve. It is quite magnificent, if you ask us, and the sense of urgency it creates is next-level.

When the rhythm falls into place on the second half of the track, it provides a sense of hope in its elevation. You actually start to believe that the narrator of the song is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Additional elements can be found here as well, such as a deep bass and shimmering notes from a guitar that delicately accentuate the arrangement with a brilliant ambience. Vocal harmonies also appear, spreading the production to the far ends of the soundscape.

On the surface, “Run Home To You” is a love song, a brand of music that we tend to avoid completely; however, hidden beneath its sugary exterior is a track that reflects on “how confusing relationships can be, the dynamics, dating in your twenties, the highs and lows, and all the feelings you go through and experience for the first time.” This one is better than most of the stuff you’ll hear on modern radio, so give it a play and see what you think.



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