Rose Brokenshire - “Habit to Help”

Photo by ALANA de HAAN

Toronto, Ontario-based artist Rose Brokenshire has just released the luscious new dream pop track, “Habit to Help.” The song is so incredibly chill and inviting that it is impossible to resist.

Habit to Help” opens to the deep, intimate tones of an acoustic guitar that sustain delightfully over the composition. Its lingering sounds are rich and warm. As the drums enter, the song gains a steady sense of forward momentum as bass deeply and soothingly pulses underneath, creating a solid foundation. Subtle touches of electric guitar heighten the reflective mood with splashes of texture.

Over the musical breaks, splendid, mellow tones melodically weave, adding a lush sense of intrigue. I am not sure what the instrument is here, whether it is a warbling synth or a guitar pushed though effects, but the result is a dreamy and delicate intensity.

The vocal of Brokenshire is exquisitely gentle and breathy, resulting in a feeling of being comfortingly led through the song. The beautiful performance is enhanced by some wonderful harmonising layers that breezily float in from underneath. Lyrically, “Habit to Help” is about learning to be there for yourself in difficult times, akin to the natural inclination we have to support our friends.

Habit to Help” is definitely one of my favourite songs that I have gotten to review this year. After playing it a few times, it feels like one that I could listen to all day. Rose Brokenshire will be releasing a 6-song EP in May.


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