Red Sun Settlement - “Awake”

For those of you who hunger for a folk vibe with a bit of bluegrass sprinkled in, look no further than “Awake,” the latest release from Red Sun Settlement. Initially beginning as a side project, the duo have picked up some momentum as of late and plan to release a full album in the not-so-distant future.

Pressing play on “Awake” invites you into the lovely world of acoustic guitar picking at its finest, immediately setting a solid front-porch-vibe, with a side of dusty roads and rural skylines. But it doesn’t stop there, and as the mandolin brings in a wonderfully melodic lead, it is a true testament to both of the age-old instruments.

But where this track completely excels is in the vocal department. For a more sparse arrangement, Red Sun Settlement have taken a page from all of our favorite artists and doubled up on the vocal tracks, creating a sonic wall of lyrics that is a true delight, especially when listening through headphones.

There is no real evidence of modern production or manipulation here, which, again, lends to the idea that this song would make itself at home traveling down a gravel road or, as the weather brings cooler evenings, huddled around a fire pit. At just over two and half minutes in length, we trust that each one of you have time to press play on “Awake” and, possibly, add it to your favorite folksy playlists.   



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