Hazlett - “Part Time Lovers”
Photo: Olof Grind
Ladies and gentlemen, Hazlett has, once again, found his way onto our blog. If you ignored our post from the last time and tend to just look at the photos that we post on social media, you have been sorely missing out on some fantastic talent– not just in this instance, but always (if we do say so ourselves). Hopefully, this is that one time where you actually read the words “link in bio” and took heed…
In any case, the ballroom-indie-folkster known as Hazlett has released some heartfelt gold with “Part Time Lovers.” In fact, we have yet to hear anything come out of the man that didn’t meet all of our expectations, when it comes to the genre. In tried-and-true indie-folk-fashion, the track begins with some room noise, followed by an expertly plucked acoustic guitar, and then comes those glorious vocals, flowing out effortlessly, sliding up into a falsetto at all the right moments. The composition is quite simple: verse/ chorus/ verse/ chorus/ end, but the appropriately timed addition/subtraction of instruments and the divine use of crescendo make this another one for the playlists. Check it out:
Hazlett describes the track: “A long hard look in the mirror can sometimes bring up questions you didn’t know you had and lead you to answers you didn’t want to hear… “When there’s that one amazing moment living rent-free in your head, it’s hard to admit that maybe things aren’t meant to be.”
Soak this one up, people, because it’s the last bit of Hazlett that we’re going to get until his debut LP drops on January 13th.