Pale Moon - “Take Off Your Clothes”

Photo provided by Pale Moon

Iceland-based duo Árni & Nata, aka Pale Moon, have just released “Take Off Your Clothes,” a chill and alluring single from their brand new album, Carpets, Cables And Sweaty Hearts.

It would be difficult to write a song called “Take Off Your Clothes” without also including a sexy beast of an arrangement, which is exactly what you’ll find upon pressing that play button. Atop the lo-fi and gently bouncing rhythm, the vibey strums of an electric guitar will likely dazzle you directly down to your birthday suit.

Coasting across the top of this dreamlike number, Nata serenades the listener with a jazzy and nostalgic vocal performance, delivering playfully seductive lines of lyrics. There is a vibrant, late-‘50s/ early-‘60s aura on display here, richly supported by layers of harmonies and, at times, a breathy, almost-spoken-word manner of delivery.

Ear candy is provided by a wonderfully reverberating slide guitar, which is one of the key components that has brought us back to “Take Off Your Clothes” for multiple listens. In its hefty, six-minute runtime, this track is bound to leave you wanting more– and you’re in luck, because you can now stream Carpets, Cables And Sweaty Hearts in its entirety:

Connect with Pale Moon: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | Website



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