Ok Cowgirl - “Our Love”

From Brooklyn, New York, indie band Ok Cowgirl have just released the passionate sounds of “Our Love.”

Our Love” begins by spoon-feeding its listener the lovely sounds of Leah Lavigne’s vocal performance, glistening in a breathy upper register over the rich, full chords of electric guitar. And for the first forty-five seconds, the song resides within this soft, intimate glow as melancholic lines of lyrics traverse the reverberations of a relationship.

The arrangement expands to include the gentle sway of a rhythm section, with the warm pulse of drums and bass softly propelling “Our Love” forward. Subtle layers of ambience start to stack in the distance, rounding out the production with a grand sense of dimension. All the while, the track ebbs and flows with the addition and removal of the elements, lending a satisfying variety of dynamic fluctuation.

Midpoint brings some synthy tones into the foreground, as well as some notes from a lead guitar. And upon the line “When the love has run you dry,” “Our Love” crescendos into a wall of distorted sound, like a wolf that briefly exposes itself from beneath its sheep clothing, revealing just enough of its teeth to let you know that it could completely devour you.

In its near five-minute duration, “Our Love” will convince you to add it to the playlists that you reserve for examining the aftermath of a love affair. The song is now available everywhere via Easy Does It, and we cannot wait for you to hear it.

Connect with Ok Cowgirl: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook | Bandcamp



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