Lee Gotvik - “Lonely Child”

Lee Gotvik first appeared on the blog with her track, “Friend,” but the Swedish singer-songwriter is back again today with a fresh release: “Lonely Child.”

This wonderful and flavorful taste of Americana is bound to hit home for anyone who who claims to be a fan of Fleetwood Mac, as Gotvik definitely has the vocal goods when it comes to channelling her inner Stevie Nicks. In fact, this is the aspect that completely sold us on the artist– and fans of the thick nature of ‘70s recordings will fall in love with “Lonely Child” for its creamy production.

The song begins with some clever guitar riffing and a beat that gently fades into place. Mere seconds into the recording, the pieces of “Lonely Child” come together to form quite a glorious arrangement, the perfect foundation for Gotvik’s vocal. And as soon as she begins delivering the lyrics, you will find every bit of grit of the aforementioned Nicks, likely causing you to come back for multiple listens.

A highlight for us were the backing vocals that hauntingly underscore various sections of the track. We’ve said it a million times, but artists simply should not underestimate the power of a well placed “oooooh.” When done properly, it could be the determining factor on whether or not a song makes it onto the pages of our site. In this case, however, it’s simply the icing on an already delicious musical pastry.

With a sizzling ride cymbal and a rhythm section that has been properly glued together, “Lonely Child” is definitely going to scratch your itch for new Americana. We recommend listening to it a few times per day, along with the rest of Gotvik’s record, Rest My Heart, which is now available everywhere.



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