Isadora Eden - “Drive Thru”

Isadora Eden once again returns to the blog with the gritty and cinematic goodness of “Drive Thru.”

For the first section of this number, our ears are fed an acoustic guitar and some lo-fi background noise, emotionally akin to being lost at sea or seeking shelter in a storm. Eden’s vocal soon joins in, offering the listener a comforting refuge as she delicately delivers the lyrics. Her voice is soft and somewhat reminiscent of Tomberlin and Skullcrusher and it is the reason we will forever feature her music on our blog. For those of you who have not yet heard Eden’s work, we challenge you to find one of her songs that does not stir your emotions.

When the second section of the song arrives, your ears will notice the soundscape widening as more elements are added to the arrangement. And here you shall find some gentle percussion– present enough to elevate the production, yet soft and distant to keep the cinematic aspect intact. Our favorite part of this section, of course, is the gentle vocal harmony that Eden has utilized. If you’re listening through headphones, you are truly in for a delight as her voice swirls into your ears.

The third and final segment of “Drive Thru” is a glorious crescendo that the song has been gradually moving toward all along. The full drum kit and bass make their appearance, along with some melodic electric guitar. At this point, Eden’s voice briefly drops back into the mix, becoming an instrument herself. This is easily one of the most ethereal sounds we have heard all week and fans of both indie folk and dream pop will simply never get enough of this one.

Drive Thru” comes from Isadora Eden’s new LP, forget what makes it glow, available everywhere today!



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