Laura Lucas & Lawson Hull - “I Imagine You Are Happy”

In the past, we have featured both Laura Lucas and Lawson Hull on our blog, so when we received their collab, “I Imagine You Are Happy,” we started writing up this review before we even pressed play.

We knew that this track would resonate, simply by reading its title. It is not at all uncommon to want the best for someone who is no longer a part of your life– we’re not scientists, but we’d wager that this is 50% of the human experience (citation needed). But even if you’ve been lucky enough to go through life without the loss of love or friendship, you will not be able to deny the innate relatability of these lyrics.

I Imagine You Are Happy” begins with the confident strums of an acoustic guitar, setting a hopeful, yet melancholic foundation before the vocals arrive. A swell of synth washes over the production as Hull takes the first verse and chorus; his voice is as remarkable as we’ve all come to expect, with that warmth and familiarity that immediately draws in the listener. The lyrics describe the way that years can go by in the blink of an eye, and we’re often left wondering the fate of the characters of our past. With a sweet sense of empathy, we often like to imagine the best for them, whether they deserve it or not.

Lucas arrives for the second verse, delivering some emotional juxtaposition as the listener tries to discern if these are merely lyrics or if these artists are actually singing to each other. And this raises another important ingredient to songwriting– it’s no secret that one of our weaknesses is a solid male + female harmony, but these performances must be believable, as though they are being sung in the same place, to and with each other. We are very happy to confirm that this is the case with “I Imagine You Are Happy,” and if the suspension of disbelief was a requirement for an indie folk duet, this one would win an Oscar.

With that being said, our favorite moments, of course, are when both Hull and Lucas come together for the harmonies. They are done so well that the listener tends to forget the only other accompanying element in the arrangement is the acoustic guitar– we did not even notice this until the second (or third) listen. Together, their voices elevate the production enough that it does not require a full band to keep us interested, even though additional instruments are added on the final third of the track. As the song reaches its crescendo, they even give us a bridge, providing a well-placed dynamic shift and wrapping a bow around an already amazing performance.

I Imagine You Are Happy” was produced by Dustin Tebbutt and pressing that play button will make you hopeful for many more Lucas/ Hull collaborations.



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