Cat Clyde - “Everywhere I Go”
Photo: Joshua Black Wilkins
Canada’s Cat Clyde has just released “Everywhere I Go,” and, quite honestly, we knew we were going to love it before we even pressed play. We became fans of hers just over a month ago, when she shared “I Feel It,” which is still one of our absolute faves.
“Everywhere I Go” starts off in a much more cheerful mood than the last time we heard from her. It’s just an acoustic guitar, at first, but the way that it joyfully bounces out the notes will prepare the listener for this song to be a bit more upbeat when the vocals come in– and when they do, it’s reasonably clear that Cat had a blast while singing this thing. She sounds quite happy here, but she still coats the entire performance in that vintage vibe that we have all come to know and love. This gives it a timeless essence and, to anyone who didn’t know any better, it could very well be a song from the days of yore or any time between then and now. The drums and the bass both share this nostalgic aspect, as do the doubled vocals and twangy guitar. But when the hook comes ‘round, the sound grows into more of a modern production– the drums pick up and the vocal harmony widens the sonic space ever so perfectly. And though it retreats back into a snappy verse that would comfortably fit inside of any speakeasy, Cat doesn’t let the song end without giving you that chorus again.
“Everywhere I Go” comes from Cat Clyde’s new LP, Down Rounder, which can be found everywhere you hear music.