Dragon Inn 3 - “See It Your Way” (ft. The Salvation Choir)

Dragon Inn 3‘s latest release, “See It Your Way,” is a fun and dreamy collaboration with Congolese Rumba band The Salvation Choir.

The song begins with lo-fi drums that give the arrangement a steady beat. When combined with the rhythm guitar, it gives the song a nostalgic vibe. For me, the guitar especially is reminiscent of Diana Ross’s “I‘m Coming Out.” However, the synths and their arpeggiated melodies, along with the lush vocals, definitely make this song unique and modern.

The vocals on “See It Your Way” are light and playful. They remain constantly in a higher register, which provides a feeling of youthfulness. The vocal styles on this indie pop song also have a nice, 1980s retro feel and work perfectly with the synths to create a great, upbeat and catchy tune.

Dragon Inn 3’s inspiration for this song was to create something that felt like Tom Tom Club had sat down to pen a track like The Beatles’ “We Can Work It Out.”

Overall, “See It Your Way” is an enjoyable and fun indie pop/synth track full of jaunty indie guitar with sublime and shimmering synths. This is definitely a great collab between Dragon Inn 3 and The Salvation Choir.


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