Dead Professional - “Dammed Up River (Electric)”

Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter Dead Professional has returned to us with a reimagined version of his track, “Dammed Up River (Electric).”

Fans of Chris Isaak and Lord Huron will truly be delighted as soon as they press the play button. A wave of reverb and retro-infused tremolo instantly washes across the sonic space, igniting the song with a chorus and catching the interest of everyone within earshot. The guitar tone is quite heavenly and the layers of vocal harmonies add icing to an already delicious sonic cake, so let’s all dig into this one together.

The vintage effects dial back a bit for the verse, where our ears are joined by a thick and creamy rhythm section. We feel it is here that Dead Professional’s vocal really shines, tender and authentic as it delivers the lyrics. Ear candy is provided by the glorious sounds of an otherworldly slide guitar, elegantly sprinkled throughout the arrangement, leaving an irresistible resonance on the production– we could spend eternity listening to it wail.

In the final third, the rhythm receives an uptick of energy as the track stretches into its inevitable conclusion. The good news here is that you can play the song as many times as you want– and once you’ve heard the magnificent vocal harmonies and that ghostly slide guitar, we wager that you will return to “Dammed Up River (Electric)” many, many times.



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