Alex Coley & Afterlove - “Courage and Crime”

Nova Scotia-based act Alex Coley & Afterlove have just released the warm and welcoming folksy sounds of their debut single, “Courage and Crime.”

You do not need to be a fan of folk music to completely fall in love with this one. Pressing play sets into motion a vintage-tinged arrangement, firmly glued together with classic, topnotch compression. The marriage between the bass and drums will lead you to believe that you’ve just opened a time capsule, and within the first fifteen seconds of “Courage and Crime,” listeners will already find themselves yearning for the rest of the upcoming album.

Coley’s vocal arrives and although this is the first time we’ve ever heard him sing, he has one of those voices that immediately feels like home. The lyrics effortlessly weave their way into your ears, warming up your soul like the first sip of coffee on a late-October morning. It is immediately clear that he was born to make music. And once the swells of harmonies and backing vocals arrive, that’s all it takes to realize that this is the song everyone needs to hear right now.

If you’ve ever read our blog, you’ll already know that we are big fans of analogue recordings and as “Courage and Crime” fills your headphones, it is impossible not to imagine the band performing it live. There is not a single piece of evidence that any modern, digital production tactics were used here. It simply sounds like the band showed up, set up their gear, and pressed record.

And for fans of introspective lyrics, Coley adds: “There can be such a thin line between courage and cowardice sometimes… And that line can be so unclear. That’s what the title is trying to speak to. Different people could perceive the same behavior or action as courageous or harmful, different people could perceive the same inaction as cowardice or restraint. This title is a reflective question, am I practicing self care or am I being a coward?”

From the luxuriant 1970s folk vibe, to the insightful language of the lyrics, “Courage and Crime” will captivate you with its warm, authentic charm. This is a song that should not be overlooked, so join us in pressing play as we await the release of the full album.



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